Friday 13 July 2012

Almost 100 days on...

So it has now been 98 days since my PAO surgery... Although it seems so long ago, at times it also feels like yesterday. In the past 14 weeks I have been challenged, surprised, frustrated, bored, impressed and proud. I had thought about what my recovery would be like every since I started researching what was involved with the surgery... I guess it's human nature to expect the worst but I never could have imagined that I would feel this good.

At the 12 week mark I had a review Xray to look at how my bone was healing at the osteotomy site. With my surgeon being overseas he accessed my scans online and was in contact via email where he told me that he was impressed with the healing around where the pelvis was broken, and that we could plan my next surgery to remove the screws. So only 56 days until I will have come full circle, being back at the Epworth Hospital preparing to go under the knife again, hopefully for the last time ..well at least for the next 25 years!!

At the start of this month I started a new chapter of my life.. I opened up my own physiotherapy & pilates business. It feels great to be back working again, I feel like I can use the experience of the past 14 weeks along with my physiotherapy skills to really help people. I decided to start back gradually so I am working 3 days per week. This still allows plenty of time to rest after a long physical day at work and it also gives me time to continue my rehabilitation at the gym.

At this stage of my rehab each week I am completing an aqua aerobics class, gym based weights and cardio workout and I complete my core strengthening program to work on the control in my lumbo-pelvic region (stability in and around my lower back and pelvis).

I will endeavour to take a photo of my 12 week xray films and post them shortly so you can see the healing.