Monday 28 November 2011

Its Booked!!!

Mark it in your diary - April 5th 2012.. This is the big day!! For some of you reading this you may think.. "oh thats the day she is getting married to the love of her life".. well you would be wrong (That is just under 3 weeks earlier on the 17th March 2012). Instead this is the date of my planned Periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) surgery. You may think how could this be referred to as "the big day" over the wedding... well its mainly because the wedding has been 18months in the making since getting my gorgeous ring in August 2010, but my hip journey has been taking me to this day for almost the past 10 years!

Periacetabular Osteotomy... Yes it is a mouth full however when you break it down it is quite simple... Peri = Around, Acetabulum = the socket of the hip joint & Osteotomy = cut. So what it actually means is a surgery where my acetabulum (hip cup or socket) is cut out and moved and pinned back in at a better position!! My initial reaction was "that sounds a bit extreme" when my surgeon told me that I needed to have this surgery to preserve my hip joint, but the alternative is to wait and have a total hip replacement and from my imaging his prognosis was I would be lucky to get to 35 with a fully functioning hip without this surgery!!

So it has taken me a while to get to this point of booking in my surgery and I still have 129 days to prepare so I thought I would start a blog and fill you in on my story thus far and my journey through the periacetabular osteotomy experience. I hope that it may assist anyone who is going through a similar experience with their hips and it might help keep those of you who know me up to date with my progress.

Enjoy Reading :)


  1. How are you doing? Has the surgery lived up to your expectations?

  2. HI, I am terribly sorry for the almost year delay in my response. The surgery has thus far been magnificent. I do not have any ongoing pain and I am able to live a very active life. I have no doubt that the damage that was done prior to my PAO will cause me trouble down the track however I am enjoying a tpainfree period now.
