Sunday 22 April 2012

Post op appointment

With almost 2 weeks since the surgery I was due to see my surgeon for a post op review. Being unable to drive my mum took me to The Avenue Clinic to see Jit and as per usual he greeted me with a big smile. He informed me that he was very happy with my surgery and that things could not have gone any better. Showing me the post-operative Xrays he explained how my acetabulum (hip socket) now fully covered my femoral head (hip ball), increasing the surface area of the hip joint and reducing the load through the weight-bearing area. He had used 4 steel screws to hold the acetabulum in its new position and over time my body will fill in the gap with new bone securing the loose section of bone in its new place, then the screws will be removed.

I asked Jit what he thought about the condition of my cartilage within the hip joint. As suspected there appeared to be damage along the rim of the socket - where my labrum had previously been removed. The continued pressure on this area had caused small cysts under the cartilage which most likely will eventually lead to further wear within the joint. Despite these changes Jit was optimistic as the cartilage which is now repositioned into the weight-bearing zone is smooth and intact. He hopes that I will never need a hip replacement, however it is more likely that my hip will eventually deteriorate due to the changes within the joint, but I am hoping I make it to at least 50 before needing a new hip... which is much better than being 30 and getting a new hip which was on the cards prior to this preservation surgery.

At the post operative appointment Jit removed the dressing from the would revealing the scar for the first time. Once it had been cleaned up (as i don't really do blood - even if it has dried!!) I took a good look at my newest scar. It is approximately 10 cm long starting at my iliac crest (the bone you feel when you place your hands on your hips) and running diagonally down along my bikini line. Although 10cm sounds long, I am amazed by how small it actually is - especially considering what he did within that incision during surgery. I have been using Bio-oil twice every day on my scar and it is starting to heal nicely.

I was told to start increasing my weight bearing and to use pain as my guide. The goal is to reduce to one forearm crutch in a few weeks time and aim to be able to stop using gait aids by the time I go back to see him again in a month (making it the 6 week mark). Prior to my next surgery I will have further imaging done and hopefully will see the formation of new bone. He wants me to start physiotherapy and once the scar has fully healed I can jump in the hydro pool for rehab.


  1. Meghan,it sounds like your recovery is going really well. :)
    We have our appointment with Jit tomorrow, it will be great to have our questions answered and hopefully time will fly till the 3rd when Charlotte has her op.

  2. Yeh I am happy with my progress. Good luck for your appointment tomorrow. If Charlotte wants to be in contact my email address is
    This may be a good way for her to contact me and ask questions otherwise she/you can contact me via this email to get my number if she would prefer to talk.
