Tuesday 21 August 2012

Back on track

Today I received the paper work for my next hospital admission where the hardware will be removed from my left hip. I am really pleased that the screws will be coming out after only being in for 5 months rather than the expected 12months. Initially I thought I was going to be admitted to The Epworth Hospital for this surgery however I found out today that my surgery is going to be at the Avenue, so I get to experience the 4th hospital for my 4th hip surgery.

The past week I have returned to doing my regular classes at my gym - RPM (which is a cycle class) and Pump (a weight lifting class). I was shocked to discover how unfit I was.. and during the RPM class I literally thought I was going to die!! But when my breath finally caught up with me I felt great that I had completed my first class back. After my Pump class I couldn't move for 3 days without a reminder of the burn I felt during the class... The challenge now is to continue going on a regular basis so that I don't have to start back at square one again.

Last week was also the first time I have stepped on the scales since my surgery and despite expecting to see a higher number than usual I was still shocked. I have put on 5kg and I am the heaviest I have ever been. Initially I was angry and disappointed at myself as I have always been one to maintain a healthy weight range, however I took a step back to really appreciate the bigger picture. Being less active for the past 4 and a half months along with comfort eating on the couch is of course going to lead to a little bit more insulation around the middle. So I have decided that it is time to be a little more focused on eating good foods and less baking in the kitchen otherwise putting on my bikini's this summer is going to be challenging!!

Friday 3 August 2012

Imaging at 12 weeks post op.

As promised here are the xrays taken at the 12 week post operative mark. Healing can be seen through the osteotomy site in the ilium with callus forming around the pubis and the ischium.