Friday 1 February 2019

10 weeks

It ticked over 10 weeks yesterday since my surgery and I feel like I have turned the corner. I am now walking without an aid and over the past week my gait has improved a lot. I am able to stand on my right (operated) leg however my balance needs to improve. I have started some small single leg squats with a focus on improving my deep gluteal activation. The times where I momentarily forget that I have had surgery are becoming more frequent, and I am now often pain free. It is time for me to ramp up my rehabilitation and get stronger as there is only 9 weeks until I leave with my family on a 6 month trip caravanning around Australia. Life is gradually returning to normal.

Attached are a couple of video clips of me doing my rehab last week with a focus on quads control and balance on my right leg.

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