Wednesday 11 September 2013

long overdue update.. pregnancy following a PAO

I cannot believe how quick time has passed. It has been almost a year since I had my screws removed from my left hip and I am happy to say that my hip has been fantastic these past 12 months!! Following the removal of my screws I continued to attend the gym and complete my core strengthening program with a goal of maintaining the strength around my pelvis. This was a high priority for me as my husband and I knew that we wanted to start a family and I was concerned about how I would manage being pregnant. After a few months of trying my husband and I were super excited when we discovered that we had fallen pregnant in Feb this year. Initially I had grand plans of eating only healthy things and continuing my exercise routine while pregnant so that I would look after myself and the tiny little human who was growing inside.. Oh how things changed when morning sickness arrived!! Unfortunately I suffered from severe morning sickness that even landed me in hospital on IV fluids, so when it came to food I had the motto "if I could get it down and keep it down for at least half an hour then I would eat it".. and as for exercise I did not attend my gym for almost 3 months.. longer than I had off following major pelvic surgery!! But eventually as I started to feel more human again I was able to reintroduce my active lifestyle with obvious changes due to being pregnant.

One thing that had always been in the back of my mind following my PAO surgery was the impact it would have on labour and giving birth. I have read multiple articles about natural birth after pelvic osteotomies and was hoping that I would not need a medically assisted delivery. After much discussion with my fantastic obstetrician we have decided that it is wise to have a medically necessary C-section delivery. The reason behind this is because I have a very narrow pelvic outlet to begin with which has been further reduced in size following my PAO surgery. If the baby was to become distressed or "stuck" during the birth my obstetrician would not be able to take my hips into the position that he would need to assist the baby to be born. This combined with the fact that my husband is much larger than me pretty much made the decision for us!

So far throughout my pregnancy my hip has managed really well. Now being 33 weeks pregnant there are many physiological changes associated with pregnancy which are placing added strain on my body in particular  my hip including:
- increased body weight. So far I have put on just over 10kgs since falling pregnant. At the end of a days work (still managing to work full time) my knees and ankles are achy as they have never had to carry this much weight around. But "touch wood" my hip is coping with the extra weight so far without any complaints!!
- the hormone relaxin is preparing my body for labour by softening the connective tissue which would allow the pelvis to open up and allow the baby to pass through. This can often lead to pains around the pelvis as it is not used to having movement at these joints. So far I have not experienced any of these issues, however it is nice to have a little bit more pelvic flexibility than usual!!
- postural changes due to having a basketball shaped bump tucked into my top can lead to altered pelvic position and lower back pains. I have tried to be very aware about my posture to protect my lower back however as I get tired towards the end of the day I do catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and realise how poorly I am standing / holding myself!

Overall I think my hip is doing great so far throughout this pregnancy. The next 2 months will really test the hip and the rest of my body as baby continues to grow and prepares to meet us. I am so very excited about becoming a mum and the best thing is that I really do believe that I would not have been able to be this active and enjoy my pregnancy if my hip had been sore throughout, so I am really happy that I decided to have the PAO after getting married and before starting our family!

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