Thursday 3 January 2019

6 Weeks Post Op

Wow the past month has flown! Christmas is usually a busy and  hectic time of year however this year was very different. Being out of my usual routine I was able to take a bit of a back seat and enjoy Christmas from a different perspective. Yes there were moments where I freaked out about being prepared enough however a little bit of online shopping seemed to do the trick. Overall I was still able to part-take in multiple Christmas catch ups and enjoy all of the festivities. 

Jit had mentioned at my 2 week check up that I could start driving from around 4 weeks if I could actively flex my hip comfortable in sitting. Feeling good I started to drive short distances just prior to Christmas - much to my husbands delight who could finally have a couple of drinks at Christmas parties as he had a driver. I guess it is a small price to pay after the running around he had done since my surgery!

I have managed to come off all of the pain medication, having Panadol Osteo available if I over to it. I have seen my physiotherapist a few times since I last wrote. He has mainly worked on my adductors and the anterior hip region assisting me with improving my hip range of motion. After each session I completed some exercises in the hydrotherapy pool- such as walking laps, marching on the spot, side leg lifts, pushing a pool noodle down int the water with my right leg, balancing on my right leg etc. It feels great the in the water as I can move more freely without the need to use crutches. Both Physio and hydro has really helped get me moving better, I no longer need to assist with my hands when lifting my right leg up (into hip flexion - ie getting into or out of a car). I am at the point that when I am sitting down I often forget that I have had surgery and almost go to get up and walk before remembering to use my crutches. 

Most years after Christmas my little family head away camping. This year I was a bit hesitant as I worried about on how I would manage camping (saying that we are fortunate to have a caravan with a few luxuries and therefore are far from roughing it). I finally committed as we could always come home early if I was not managing. I am so thankful that we decided go as the new environment has done wonders for my soul. There have been a few things that have been tricky, such as using the crutches on the softer sand, but overall I have been able to sit and laugh with good friends and watch my children really enjoy themselves. I have also been able to do some exercises in the river and I feel with the added difficulty of the current pushing me downstream it has helped to strengthen my right leg. 

Being 6 weeks post op today I am due to see Jit for a review. I will see him next week once we are home from out camping adventure. I have started moving around with a single crutch at times (increased my weight bearing) however I still I need to focus on moving well and not limping therefore I go back to using two crutches when I fatigue. There are still times that I worry if I will ever walk normally again or be able to do simple things like sit on the floor comfortably but I know I am still only at the start of my journey and if I continue to progress as well as I have so far I am sure I won't look back! 

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