Friday 6 February 2015

Another year on

I cannot believe how time has flown since I posted on here last. Great news is that my hips have been doing fantastically. I guess it is much easier to forget to post on here when I am not in constant pain and bother like in the past and instead I have been keeping busy with my beautiful family and work.
Recently I had another deGEMRIC scan (it was due to be done much earlier but I had to wait until I had stopped breastfeeding). This time I had the scan done on both of my hips and thus I was in the MRI machine laying still (or doing my best to be still) for over 1 and a half hours. The good news is that I spoke to Jit recently who told me exactly what I was hoping to hear. That there was no evidence of further degenerative changes within my left hip (the PAO'd side) and that my right hip (which has dysplasia but no pain) currently has no signs on degenerative changes within the cartilage. Yippeee!!
However unfortunately I have recently been getting a little bit of lower back pain. I understand the close relationship between the hips and the lower back and I guess the increased demand on my body when it comes to looking after a 15month old has started to take its toll. But saying that, the pain is only gentle at this stage so I will try and keep it under control with some physiotherapy intervention and massage. It would also probably help if I was a little bit more strict with my gym core strengthening but I cannot always be perfect.

I guess the main reason I wanted to post on here is to give you hope that if you are going through a PAO recovery or something similar at the moment there is light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully you will have some fantastic news down the track which makes you think "I am so glad that I had that surgery!!".


  1. Meghan. What an amazing and insightful story.

    I am about to undergo a PAO with Dr Jit Balakumar in the coming months. Your thoughts and commentary have given me a lot of comfort.

    1. I hope all went well with your surgery with Jit.

  2. Hi. How are you doing today, May 10, 2017, about 6 years post op? Hip and lower back pain?

    1. Hi Monica, I have been going well. Hip doesn't give me any trouble and the lower back is tight but I manage it with massage and physiotherapy along with pilates stretching.

  3. Has this surgery lived up to your expectation?
