Monday 19 November 2018

Take two... Here we go again

I have been very lazy with my blog over the past number of years and that is mainly because my hips have not really played a big role in my life and have not been as high on the priority list. Instead I have been keeping busy looking after my two beautiful girls (now 3 and 5 years old), running my physiotherapy & clinical pilates business, getting away and going for adventures in our caravan and mainly enjoying life.

The only time I would think about my hips is when I had my yearly check up with Mr Jit Balakumar. Jit has been monitoring my left hip while also keeping a close eye on my right (non operated) side by sending me for imaging when needed. Prior to this year I have never had any issues with my right side, and this is despite having severe dysplasia on this side also. It was the middle of the year when I first noticed a dull ache in my right groin at night time. It was a far too familiar feeling taking me back to early on with my left hip. Knowing my history I didn't put off making another appointment to see Jit and the outcome of that appointment was as I had predicted - time to look after the right hip and have a Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO).

It has been a very different preparation for surgery this time compared to 6 & a half years ago. My main concern and focus has been around how are we (my husband & I) going to manage my rehabilitation with two young children who still very much depend on my help. My husband Sam is a superstar dad and he proves that daily, however we work best as a team. With me out of action and unable to drive for 6 weeks it means he has a lot more on his plate. Thankfully we have a wonderful support network and have not been short of people offering us a hand. I have spend countless hours forming spreadsheets that cover everything from who is picking up/ dropping off/ looking after the children /who is taking me to post op appointments and so on. This along with organising coverage and scheduling for my business while I am unable to work has helped keep my mind busy and as a result I have not really had any time to be worried about the actual surgery itself. I know it is a big deal but I feel strangely comfortable by the fast approaching surgery, even a tiny bit excited to have it over and done with. I guess having an idea of what to expect this time around is also putting my mind at ease.

So with only 3 sleeps to go until I go back under the knife I thought it was an appropriate time to put my blog writing "hat" (or should I say mum bun/top knot) back on and fill you in.

There are a few people who were not in my life first time around and have been asking what exactly is a PAO surgery and why would I be having such a big operation when I look perfectly healthy. Rather than trying to explain it to you here is a link to a fantastic video that explains all that you may wish to know -->

(You may need to copy and paste if the link is not working!)

But if you do not have time to check the above link out then I guess in a nutshell the surgery is moving my hip socket (cue using one hand as a socket and other as a ball to represent the hip joint) and moving it into. better position to make it fit together better with a goal of preventing degenerative changed to the hip joint.

Hit me up if you have any questions as I will be checking and updating my blog a lot more over the coming months.

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