Saturday 24 November 2018

Day 2 post op

Yesterday afternoon the physiotherapist returned and got me up walking a short distance on a pick up frame. I managed well however by the time I returned back to bed (maybe completed a total of 15 steps)  I was exhausted and felt quite giddy. My blood pressure had dropped so I spend the rest of the evening lying down. My operated leg was placed in the CPM (continuous passive motion) machine for 2 hours at a time slowly freeing up my hip and moving it further into flexion range. Initially the machine was set to 50deg hip flexion but I have since progressed to 100deg flexion.

I woke today feeling refreshed as I managed to get 5 continuous hours of sleep however my pain was quite noticeable, making me a little scared to move. During the night I had slept on my left side with a pillow between my knees which I found more comfortable as I usually like to sleep on my side.

The nurses had taken down my pain blaster unit so I was now relying oral analgesics. Thankfully it didn't take too long for my morning tablets to kick in. I also had my IV taken down and my catheter removed.

This morning I was sent for some X-rays which show 5 screws in situ in my pelvis holding my socket in it's new position. It was quite confronting to see the images the first time and made it all feel very real. Considering the amount of work done during this surgery I am amazed by the relatively small amount of bruising I have on the surface. I think having ice continuously on it has helped a lot.


Jit popped in again to see me this afternoon and sorted out some medication allowing me to stand up without feeling faint. Since then I have managed a shower (heaven!!) and have been to the toilet (those who know the hassle I had after my last PAO would appreciate how relieved I felt!) Ordering prunes as part of my breakfast was definitely worth while!

I have had a few visitors pop in including my beautiful girls. It is tough being away from them and I was concerned that they would freak out seeing me in hospital however they are quite resilient and just had lots of questions. However my husband Sam and I had to be on guard the whole time because they did forget quickly and would launch onto me for cuddles and kisses.

Only 3 more nights in at The Avenue Hospital and then home to my own bed and family.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meghan! My name is Chiara and I'm 15. I had the same surgery on my left leg but on Friday night. I'm staying at the same hospital as you and this afternoon Jit told me about your blog. I would love to have a chat with you soon!! I was wondering have you been having any thigh/groin pain? I have been having a lot of pain there recently and I just want to know if it's just me or other people are experiencing the same thing. I'd love to come and see you and have a chat when I get up walking on crutches. Thank you heaps for this blog you've been writing!
